Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Flash Fiction and Hint Fiction

I found this link to a blog with a competition for a Hint fiction story and i had no idea what hint fiction was. so i clicked on the link interested. ( Hint fiction is a story under 25 words, strange I know but it dose have its appeal. Not to mention if you can pull a hint fiction story off you have the skills to sell. I posted a story in this competition so figures crossed. Here is mine:

Kangaroo jockey
‘Hi where are you from?’‘Down under.’‘Oh wow, What do you do there?’‘I’m a Kangaroo jockey, why what do you do?’

how on earth did this come to be? Well i was talking to a friend in the USA and she said how weird it was that it is winter there and summer here, and it got me thinking about an email i got that had a tone of silly questions from Americans and people from other countries about what we do here in Australia. and many of the questions revolved around kangaroos. so just to be funny I said that yeah, where else would you ride a kangaroo to work? and we both laughed. and then i thought it would be kewl to write a book about racing kangaroos and the name kangaroo Jockey popped into my head.
And i found the link to the hint fiction competition, it was like destiny, or may just good timing. Any way I like this whole Hint fiction and Flash fiction, it is an intresting idea.

About me

Hi, I'm Louise, 19 from QLD Down under. I work in a deli and i love to write, well i don't realy love it, I'm acutally adicted it to (teenagers, we're always adicticted to something!) at the moment i only have one poem published (its the only one i ever submited) and a few storys actually finnished. Besides being a terible speller and very no comital I am currently working on two projects with other writers. one is called bouncing ideas and on that i am working with two other writers on a story called Burning Silence. the other is called round robin and there is about seven of us writing a story which has been put on a website survive the infection and it will have lots of storys of 'after the infection. I currently have an idea for another story about one of the survivers and i have put slight introduction for it in the story we are currently writing.
I am also working on a few ideas by myself, one of which is called Diary of the dead girl and i am posting it at I'm trying to get the link to survive the infection but i think kris is updating it. Oh kris is one of the writers writing on it and made us a great websit for our storys.